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iGreen Technology in aquaculture, by introducing specifically designed/tailor-made products (iGreen family) which have been produced based on new and environmentally friendly technology, presents a unique capability to purify the water and improve the biological conditions of water and fluids. Our products (aquaculture-specific) provides suitable and stress-free conditions for aquatic growth which helps the breeder to restore the condition of the pool to a stable state which subjected to critical situations. Moreover, the iGreen family products are capable of decomposing organic and chemical wastes in water.
One of the indicators of water quality in the pool is the amount of water-soluble ammonia. The main source of ammonia in swimming pools is aquatic waste and decomposition of organic matter remaining in the pool. To remove ammonia from the pool, it must first be converted to nitrite, then to nitrate, and then to nitrogen. Using iGreen technology, the amount of ammonia in the pools is reduced rapidly during the day and up to 90% of it is removed in the nitrification cycle.

Key to Success

Synthesis of Functional Materials
Synthesisof Functional Materials
Nano-bio Polymer, Nano-Photocatalysts(Tio2), Nano-silver, Nano-copper, Nano-gold, Nano-platinum, Nano Sio2, Biodegrable Nano Size Polymers, etc.
Technology for Powders, Coatings and Composites
Modificationof Materials
TiO2–SiO2Nanotube, Bio-Polymer-TiO2–SiO2Nanowire, Metal-Doped Photo Catalyst, etc.
Design of Components and Systems (Coating System, Ultrasonic Reactors, Waste Water Treatment Systems, Extraction Bio Essence Systems)